Elin is celebrating her two years of blogging with a giveaway. Click here to read all about it.
Can you believe my LA Quilter has finished my Carolina Crossroads top already? I am so happy with it. Will post a picture or two tomorrow. Just needs a binding and a label and it'll be in the finished pile!
Every time Jim gets down on the floor to do his stretching exercises, Annie immediately runs over and lays down, too. She thinks he is playing with her.

Wow, that was fast on your quilt!! I can't wait to see it.
Isn't everything and anything we do centred on the kitties? :-)
Looking forward to seeing your CC! Who can blame Annie - not one to miss out on some fun!
Hugs - Lurline♥
Oh look how cute Annie is!!! :)
Can't wait to see the quilt. Something fun to look forward to. Yeah!!!
That is a great picture. What does Jim do when she gets in his face like that? Laughing really messes up a good stretch!!
Our dog, Buffy, was like that too. My husband would try to do leg lifts and she would be licking his face to beat the band. It was a hoot!
Happy Stitching,
Can't wait to see the top! and Annie is too cute! that's like at our house, I'm supposed to work on my shoulder with a dowel and when I do the dog gets all excited thinking we are going to play tug of war. Man that would be just great on my rotator cuff huh?
I can identify with Jim....Junior always helps me do my stretching exercises and he helps me with my grooming as well. I have the cleanest ears in Minnesota.
I can't wait to see your finished quilt. The picture of the top is wonderful. I should look for that pattern.
Can't wait for Shipshe!!!!!!!!!!!
*ahhh* Yoga-kitty *S*
Great Quilts! And I just love the photo of your kitty getting in the floor to exercise with your husband. I want to reach out and rub his tummy, but then kitties are ticklish there.
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