Fabric added during this week: .5 yards
Fabric added year to date: 113.5 yards
Fabric used during this week: 0 yard
Fabric used year to date: 79.25 yards
Net fabric busted 2009: (+34.75)
Last week we attended our granddaughter, Abby's 8th grade graduation in Wisconsin. She is one special, talented young lady and I'm not the only one who thinks so. How did she grow up so fast? Abby and her classmates are visiting Washington D.C. and more for their class trip. I'm sure she is having lots of fun.

Mary bought a mini Rebecca Barker puzzle in Paducah and is passing it around our Bee. I had my turn at the 7x9 puzzle and will give it to someone else on Monday. The little size is even cuter than the regular ones.
My daughter, Kari and I shopped briefly at Target last week. This thong caught Kari's eye first and I had to take a photo. Isn't it what every well-dressed quilter takes to a retreat? VBG

Oh, my -- the thong!
The puzzle looks like fun! I haven't seen those here.
Goodness me! A patchwork thong - i could really make some rather uncouth Comments here! Never mind - I just love Washington DC so what a lovely visit!
Hugs - Lurline♥
Gorgeous kidlet there, Jeanne *VBS* Hope Wisconsin made you feel welcome ! Hugs, Finn
OMG that thong is hysterical. Just what we all need. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh my goodness - I can't even imagine!
Your granddaughter is just precious, love the mini puzzle...
The thong, hmmmmm... very funny!
So are you and Kari sharing that thong? Oooftah!
Cute puzzle...I like the little birdies!
Your granddaughter is just beautiful. No wonder you are a proud Grandma...
Oh hilarious! What a great photo shot. Thanks for the giggle.
A patchwork thong? Ingenious!! Who said that quilting was only for old ladies!!?? What a hoot! You should have picked some up as white elephant gifts for your friends for Christmas!! I know I would have. Now I want to go to Target and look for some. LOLROF
Oh my - roaring laughter - love that quilted thong. What will they think of next.
The thong is hilarious!!! Your granddaughter is so handsome.
Wow what a catch.....If I had one of these I am not shore my husbond would like it to much LOLO
Hi Jeanne, Now thats what you call a pair of panties lol. I Hope to see you at the dear Jane retreat .Might not be nov .We hope to be going to Florida.I really enjoyed you gals you were lots of fun!!!!gotta make one of those chickens!!!!! Smile Havent done much blogging ....I was having some back problems ....but I am checking out several blogs you follow !!!!
teehee--I think the thong was made from "scraps"! The puzzle looked fun.
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