Tilde is a wonderful quilter from Denmark who issues challenges on the WIProducers list at Yahoo. For August, we were told to find our ogre, a quilt that's been hanging around unfinished for some time (UFO in other words) and needs to move forward. Although I dislike associating the word ogre with this quilt, I had to choose the wedding quilt for Kari and Craig. They are celebrating their 14th wedding anniversary today. It's had several setbacks and I could list a ton of excuses. Today I removed the rows from the drawer that housed them and created a top. It next needs an inner border of off white fabric (which I ran out of) and then a final border consisting of 68 log cabin blocks (which I had begun sewing, but later discovered I had used white instead of off white background pieces). I bought the floral material as my focus fabric fifteen years ago at a quilt show in Marshall. It is still one of my favorites. That's a plus because often the fabrics we were once so thrilled with become not so great when we finally get around to using them.
Happy Anniversary, Kari and Craig.