Here it is two days after Thanksgiving and I still feel like a stuffed turkey! We won't even discuss the physical comparison. Jim, JJ and I enjoyed a wonderful turkey dinner with all the trimmings at Mike and Simone's house. They were kind enough to send home leftovers for yesterday, too. The food is now gone, JJ is back home and I am on chapter 30 of "Breaking Dawn", the fourth book in the Twilight series. It is so difficult to put it down. I keep saying, "I'll just finish this chapter"...
Just before we left for the Retreat, my package arrived from the Polka Dot & Rick Rack Swap. The return address said it was from
May Britt. I couldn't tear into it fast enough. I love everything she sent, especially the little bag with stitchery. I promptly packed that for the trip with my Dear Jane mug inside of it. In addition to the beautifully made pink and brown polka dot bag, May sent polka dot napkins, tissues, buttons, and ribbons. She also included two wonderful stitcheries for me to do, floss, rick rack and a lovely card. As I have mentioned before, May was the person who encouraged me to start my own blog so that makes this all extra special for me.
The Dear Jane Retreat in Indiana was just terrific, despite the weather. It was
cooooold and windy the first couple of days, so we didn't go out. It helped that there were plenty of buying opportunities in the sewing room from fellow quilters. The entire line of the Dear Jane fabric was there on bolts. I had been waiting for the retreat to get some even though my top has been finished for some time now.

Connie and I worked on Gingerbread potholders and Disappearing Nine Patch quilts. Our tablemates were delightful, funny and productive. There was Sandy G. from Canada, Jane and her sister, Margaret, and Nancee and Ruth, all from Michigan.
Edyta Sitar did a trunk show on Friday night that was just spectacular! How she gets so much done with young children and her busy schedule is mind boggling. Each quilt was just as gorgeous as the previous one. We were able to get our picture taken with her and our Broken Star quilts/tops. Left to right (Me), Connie, Jane, Edyta and Sandy. Sandy had finished her quilt and didn't realize that Edyta was going to be there. What luck!

Edyta had her version of the Dear Jane quilt along with her other beauties.
This was the 10th year for holding retreats for the Dear Jane group in Shipshewana, so we celebrated with a delicious cake!
Since this is getting long, I'll save the rest for next time, which I promise won't be as far apart as my previous posts. I hope everyone in the US had a great holiday and is enjoying the last days of November.