So I switched just two of the blocks so that the dark ones weren't all on the right side of the quilt. I also added sashing and cornerstones around the outside edges. I think it's big enough now so I won't add a border. There is probably enough kitty fabric left to make another one. However, I'm usually not a fan of doing anything more than once. Maybe I'll try a Disappearing Nine Patch with the leftovers?

There are several bloggers working on the blocks from
The Civil War Diary books by Rosemary Youngs. It's fun seeing the fabrics chosen by everyone for each block. I'm so tempted to start, too, but I have so many UFOs to finish first.
I'm so glad I'm not the only one trying to resist temptation on the Civil War Diary blocks! I must resist, I have nothing done on the goal list yet for this year!
It looks wonderful now! But then, I thought it was fine before! :-)
looks great Jeanne.
That sashing really sets things off! Looks great.
I love the Civil War blocks too....we'll both have "just say no!" The quilt looks great.
Now it's perfect. Good work! I like it a lot. Looks very snuggly and pretty.
Both layouts looked very nice, but I do like this one better. It's perfect!
If you have plenty of fabric left, have you ever considered making a pillowcase to match the quilt to store it in? One of the ladies in my sewing group does that for each quilt she makes.
What a sweet little kitty quilt *s* I'm right there with you on the Civil War Diary quilt . . . oh how I want to join the fun - but I must sit on the sidelines and work on the multitude of projects already on hand *drat*
That's a wonderful quilt. Don't fight the temptation...go with it...the Civil War blocks are calling your name...teehee
It came out wonderful! I'm trying to resist the temptation too....I want to make everything I see. :)
Oh, I love your choice to move dark blocks. This quilt is so beautiful.
BTW, I'm with Wendy. "Don't fight the temptation..." *S*
What a fantastic job you have done on this quilt....just stunning..
The kitty fabric makes me smile it's really cute! Love the black and golds. Great quilt!
Very nice quilt! I must tell you, I have not resisted the temptation, I've just finished the first CWD block!! I want to be a part of the fun, I've planned this start for months now, collecting fabrics, boutht the book, reading about the diarists... But I know it will be a slow race..
Have a nice day!
What beautiful work you do!
This is a beautiful top.
What a great quilt! It would be fun to see the same fabrics sewn into a different design, like the disappearing 9 patch.
I like this quilt. Good idea to take a picture...have done that before and changed things around that I couldn't see with it on the wall.
oh I hate ripping! but it looks great!
This is looking great Jeanne. I'm not to fond of doing things more than once either. Disappearing 9 patch sounds a good way to use up the left overs.
I'm not even going to look at the Civil War Diary blocks, lol. I started a CW quilt several years ago and it's still at only 2 blocks and is a UFO at the moment. Will get back to it one day.
I love you quilt. It is absolutely beautiful!
Sorry. Look please here
I love this top. The kitty fabric looks great in the block. Great job.
Nice quilt. I love the colors. I too was thinking about doing the civil war blocks. They are wonderful aren't they? I'm enjoying seeing everyones.
I love this quilt. It's simply adorable. You don't have to worry about making Civil War blocks. I have other projects to work on first.
I was tempted to start also. I spent last year finishing quilts and do not want to have things get out of hand. Since I just finished hand quilting a quilt so it would be so easy to tell myself I deserve it. The quilt is cute. I do like the sashing.
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