Find the winner on this post.

Happy New Year! I signed up for the Whirl Into Winter Giveaway, although it sure feels like winter has been 'in' for some time. I have a pattern for a spool wallhanging called "folksy spools" and will include one yard of fabric with spools on it that you may choose to use for the borders. The quilt finishes at 39" square and would look really cute in your sewing room. You must have an email where I can reach you and the sign-up will begin at my midnight, EST, January 1, 2009. On January 15th, someone in the comment section who has an email will be chosen to receive the pattern and fabric. There are no mailing restrictions. Debi, who is organizing this event, reports at least 60 bloggers participating. Be sure to visit them and leave a comment.
1 – 200 of 234 Newer› Newest»Hi Jeanne, Happy New Year to you! it is 2009 here in New Zealand. I'd love to win your giveaway even though we are in the middle of summer here! I always read your blog and enjoy what you do.
Deb :)
Happy new year. Now we are into 2009 here in norway. Have just been outside watching the fireworks. Pleace add me in the draw.
Happy New year!
Very cute little quilt, would love to win it!:-)) Please enter me into your drawing!
Hi Jeanne, Happy New Year to you from Oz, now 2009 for us.Love to be in the draw for your giveaway. Regards Lyn
Happy New Year!
la_rubicita at yahoo dot com
Happy New year!
Very cute little quilt, would love to win it! It is Summer in the land down under (Australia) but who saids quilting is a winter craft I do it all year round (lol)
Happy New Year. I would love to win your giveaway. Please add me into the drawing.
Is it my turn this time, Jeanne? Hope so!!
That's adorable, Jeanne! Please enter me in the giveaway!
Happy Quilty 2009! It's really hot here today. I live in Perth, Western Australia. Thanks for entering me in your giveaway!
Happy New Year!
What a wonderful gift to share. It would look wonderful made up and hanging in my sewing room.
I've always loved the Spool pattern. I would love to win this one :) My email is one file with my blog.
what a very generous giveaway!
Happy 2009 to you from HOT Australia, I am melting here, its around 100F with a super HOT breeze and a bushfire about 1km from my house, so its HOT SMOKEY and WINDY.. *blech*
take care
I too would love to win...
I look forward to packages in American Samoa (we have US shipping rates).
I also am doing a giveaway at
Yeah, quilting loot!
Please add me to your drawing, thanks!
Happy New Year!
Jeanne happy new year and many more thanks for being a part of the giveaway and good luck .....lani
Happy New year!!! I would love to participate in your giveaway.My email:
This would look just right in my sewing room - please enter me in your draw ....... and by the way, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!
Best wishes Julia:0)
Happy New Year! This is a great giveaway!!
Your blog is so cute!
Hi I'd love to have that little quilt next to my sewing please enter me too
What a lovely group of prizes.
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year! Isn't this a fun giveaway???
Hi and Happy New Year EVERYONE!!!! I would LOVE to win! Hugs Kay M. (
Great giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win it!
What a perfect pattern to start a year of stash busting. Thanks for sharing.
Happy New Year!!
Sue Cahill (sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)
I would love to win this prize. what a nice selection. Thanks you
What a NICE prize. Please enter me to win, too. I am part of this giveaway, too so check out my blog at
Happy New Year!
What a cute little bit of quilty goodness.
Happy New Year from Orkney in Scotland! Please enter me for the draw. This is such cool fun!! I've hurt my back, so husband is making the traditional New Year's Day dinner, while I get to look at the blogs. Good Luck everybody!
What a cute quilt and fabric. Please enter me in your giveaway. Happy New Year!
Hi your spool pattern and fabric...what quilter doesn't love spools :) I'm also hosting a giveaway at so please visit and comment. Wishing you a happy and blessed new year. Karen
What a neat pattern. I love the spool fabric.
I wold love to win them.
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year Jeanne. I would like to be added to your drawing. Jack says Happy New Year to Jasper too!!
Happy new year! I will love to join your give away, it is a very nice gift!
Happy New Year! Sure would appreciate getting your give-a-way. Thanks for doing this. Nana
Great pattern!!! You are right, it would look awesome in my sewing room!
I'd love to be entered into your drawing! Happy new year!
jackie DOT k AT comcast DOT net
Happy New Year!
Nice give-away. Please enter me in. Thanks
Adorable pattern and fabric. Thank you for offering this gift and participating in the Winter Whirl.
Hi Jeanne. Happy New Year!! Love the spool pattern. It would look great on my quilt wall!!
Great giveaway! Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!
Very cute quilt pattern. I would love to participate. Happy New Year.
That looks like a cute pattern and fabric. I would love to be entered. Thanks! And, Happy New Year!
Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog. I'm surprised I haven't already stumbled upon yours.
When you start your Peppermint Twist give me a holler. I'm curious to see how your looks. Did you buy a kit or are you pulling fabric from your own stash. I bought a kit and I'm beginning to wonder if I'm going to have enough fabric. I'm still cutting and it's too close to tell just yet.
I plan on reading more of your blog this afternoon. What I've seen so far looks really nice.
Oh, by the way, please enter me in your giveaway.
Happy New Year!
I would LOVE this pattern. SO cute!
Happy New Year. Love the pattern.
Karen in IN
Please put my name in the hat for your drawing! It's a cute pattern...
What a cute pattern. Count me in!
Happy New Year! I would love to be entered into your giveaway.
Happy New Year Jeanne, I would love to win this quilt. It is beautiful.
Please enter me into your giveaway...darling quilt.
Happy new year to you & yours.
Wow, what a great giveaway, that pattern is adorable add me to the draw please! Happy New Year to you!
Happy New Year!!
Thanks for participating in the Give Away :D
Something small to make works for me> I'd love to win this cute pattern and fabric. Thank you for your offering. Rae Ann
Happy New Year.
Thank you for the giveaway.
Wow Happy New Year! Count me in!
Happy New Year. PICK ME, PICK ME. Thanks for the chance to enter your drawing. or
I didn't see that it left my comment. I'm sorry if there's two.
What a nice gift, please enter me to win...thank you!
It is so nice to visit all the blogs and see what everyone creates.
Happy New Year,
Peggy in NJ
Happy New Year! I enjoy your blog.
Love the pattern and would love to win it. Happy New Year!
Love the pattern and would love it win it. Happy New Year!
I like the pattern and would love to make the quilt.
Thankr the giveaway and Happy New Year!
I've never used a spool pattern-this would be cute under my sewing machine. Probably need to adapt the pattern some. Creative juices will flow!!
What a great pattern! Please enter me!
Blessings, Kimberly
what a great prize.
thanks for hosting.
i would love to win, my email is and my blog is
Happy New Year, Jeanne, and lots of creative stitching in 2009!
Great giveaway! Mine starts on Friday so please stop by.
May the new year hold many wonderful possibilities for you.
You're right, that would look great on the recliner in my craft studio!!
beastbunny @ hotmail . com
Great giveaway prize Jeanne! This is lots of fun and Debi does a great job organising it!
Happy New Year!
Great giveaway. I love that spool fabric. Happy New Year.
This looks like a fun project. Please enter me. rsgrandinetti(at)yahoo(dot)com
What a fun idea, a spool wallhanging and fabric themed to go with it. Love it!
Happy New Year! What a lovely give-away. I have the perfect place in my sewing room for it :) Thanks for your generosity. Thanks for the chance to win!
Take care!
Oh what a cute pattern! I want it!! Thanks so much for having this giveaway! :0)
Happy new year thanks for the giveaway!
What a fun pattern - I would love to work with this one! Count me in!
Thanks for taking part in the giveaway. Happy New Year!
Hi Jeanne, Happy Creative New Year! Please enter me into the drawing.
What a lovely giveaway, I would love the chance to win!
YES, lovoks like one i'd love to make, thanks for making WINTER more fun!
Would love to win your prize.
Darling pattern for the sewing room! Thanks for entering me in your drawing!!!!
What a cute quilt! Please enter me!
Neat purse. I would love to have it.
What a sweet pattern. Please enter me for the giveaway.
Put me in please! Happy New Year!
Happy New Year. Nice prize for the winner. *S*
Happy new Year! I would love to enter. thank you!
wow...84 other comments! What does that make my odds of winning now?
Fun pattern!
How did your crown prep go?
Happy New Year. Please enter me in your giveaway. Thank you.
Happy New Year. Could you please put my name in for your give away. Great prize.
Happy New Year!!!
Please enter me into your contest!!
nici826 at yahoo dot com
Love the pattern! Please add me to your drawing.
Happy New Year. The pattern looks like fun. Please enter me in your giveaway. karleen
I just learning about quilting so I'd love to win this! Thanks for the opportunity! ~ Amy
Very cute pattern! I'd love a chance to win it! :) Happy New Year!!
Hi Jeanne, Please enter my name in your wonderful drawing! Happy New Year and may you have a blessed 2009!
Happy New Year Jeanne, love to be in the draw for your giveaway. Regards Lyn
G'day from Australia! Such a lovely wall hanging!
Happy New Year!
Deborah @ Comfort Joy Designs
That looks like a really nice patern. It would be a fun quilt to make.
fabulous pattern! Happy New Year Jeanne!
fabulous pattern! Happy New Year Jeanne!
i would love to try that patterns and the fabric looks fun
Look like I was to early with my first comment :) Even though it already was 2009 in Norway. But there is the timezone :)
Enjoy your day
Happy New Year!! The pattern looks really cute; count me in please.
Happy New Year Jeanne! That looks like a nice pattern. Please enter me in your givaway. Thanks!
Happy New Year! Fun Pattern! I would love to win!!
Happy New Year! Fun Pattern! Would love to win!
Hi Jeanne, I hope your New Year was fun and safe!! What a lovely giveaway. Thanks for posting the link as well.
very fun pattern and fabric....
A great giveaway you are offering please throw my name in the hat, TY
What a cute pattern... Hope 2009 is a great year for you.
Would love to win this great pattern!
Although I don't stand a snowballs chance in Florida, please put my name in the hat anyway....I just love giveaways.
I would love this! Thanks so much for the chance.
Happy New Year
Great Pattern
Happy new year! Love that pattern, please count me in!
Wow! You already have 111 comments. The spool wall hanging would work up cute as can be.
Happy New Year to you and I hope you have a good one.
First I wish you a very good year. I like to win, please be so kind and enter my name in the give a way box.
Greeting Guilitta from germany
Cute pattern. Please enter me in your give away.
Happy New Year Jeanne! Yes, pleace add me in your drawing!
How cute is this???
Karen K
Hope you had a good new year's. I love your items for the giveaway. Please sign me up.
Please enter me....I can add project 1023 to the list of quilts I'd like to make THIS year! Life is short....chop, chop...get stitching!
Thanks so much for a wonderful give away! Looks like you've got a lot of people interested!
That's a great idea for a giveaway. -- Michele
what a great addition to my sewing room that would make.
Love the spools! Thanks for offering them up in a giveaway!
shedaisia (at) aol (dot) com
Oh this has to be one of my favorite give aways. Such a cute pattern, and fabric to boot. That is so kind of you to offer it as a giveaway. :)
Happy New Year - I'd love to win!
Very nice! Thank you for the opportunity to enter your give away.
Happy New Year!! I have never seen that pattern before. I love blogland because there is so much inspiration out there....
Hello Jeanne!!!( AKA MOM)
Love your blog and you too!!!
I will try to check out more of these sites you have sent me. Thank you!!! I know I am not a person who can win this but I just wanted to leave a comment. Love you.
Looks like a cute little quilt and I NEVER turn down a piece of fabric!
Happy New Year, Everybody!
This is such a cute pattern--please include me in the giveaway.
Happy New Year! What a nice little quilt.
Lovely pattern - happy new year to you and yours
Thanks for the chance
What a lovely giveaway. I'm vowing to make more small quilts this year, and this would be perfect.
This giveaway is such a fun way to find new blogs.
Hi Jeannie.
This is a neat giveaway. You can add me to the list.
Blessings and Happy New Year.
Hi Jeanne. Love your site. I would love to win the pattern you have posted. I have also taken a class with Edyta and live in Michigan. BRRRRR.
Hello from Mid-Michigan, where it is freezing cold! Thanks for doing a give-away. What a cute quilt!
caronmosey at gmail dot com
Greetings from Canada. It's -30 degrees celsius today.
I would love to win your beautiful pattern and fabric. Please enter me in the giveaway.
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year from Northern Lower Michigan!! Love your quilts and your blog.
Happy New Year!
Even thought its summer here in Oz, its been acting pretty cold lately...which is perfect for quilting!
Add my name to the growing list. I don't have a wallhanging for my sewing room yet...this would be so cute. THanks for participating and have a great year ahead!
Looks like a fun pattern to make! Please enter me!
I was just looking today at a spool quilt pattern, this is adorable! xoxo melzie
I would love to hang that quilt in my sewing room. I have always love hat paten, bu have never gotten around to making it.
Hi Jeanne! I'd love to win your prize! I was going to let you know also, that I signed up to do a new Thimbleberries quilt at Linda's Quilt Shop. Should be fun and they even remember you being there! Be careful Sunday, suppose to be freezing rain coming in!
Cute pattern. Thanks for the change to win.
Thanks for hosting such a lovely giveaway.
Wishing you joy in the coming year,
Lovely giveaway! Would happily sew it immediately!
Agneta in Sweden
As a new quilter, new patterns always are fun to get! I sure hope I win this one and get to make it! Happy New Year from Ramstein AFB in Germany! Gen
Hey Jeanne
goods to catch up with your blog again.
please enter me into the Winter Giveaway.
Hello, found your blog, and would love the chance to win in your generous giveaway. cheers.. Cheryle.
Thank you for your generosity. What a very nice prize. Happy New Year!
I enjoyed reading your blog and want a chance to win your great prize. Thanks for doing this.
Great pattern! Please join me in with the giveaway and good luck with it!
Very cute for the sewing room! Please enter me into the drawing. Happy New Year!
thanks for entering me!
happy new year 2009!
happy new year from Belgium.
What a lovely pattern you have choose for the giveaway.
what a nice give away! happy new year from Inge in Belgium
I love your give a way goodies and would be honored to win. Even more honored to have a visit from you on my blog.
Oh, Jeanne, I think I have commented, but can't find my name at a quick glance, would love to go in your giveaway! What a wonderful response!
Hugs - Lurline♥
Jeanne - I love the pattern and the spool fabric would be so neat to do the border with. What a great idea. Thanks!!!
cute wall hanging, I'd love to give it a try.
What a darling little quilt! And you're right - it would be perfect in my sewing room! Hope I'm your lucky winner!
dyeing2hook at msn dot com
Please enter me in your giveaway, I love it! Thanks
another great blog Im really love going to each one and reading everyone comments. Hope everyone has a wonderful 2009 .
What a great pattern! Please enter me!
What a lovely group of prizes
Too adorable. Thanks.
Happy New Year to you too!
Happy New Year! Love the spool pattern. Thanks for the chance to win.
Happu New year, how fun. Wish I had a sewing room to hang it up in, but I do have a laundry room. Please enter me.
tonispaulding at hotmail dot com
Please enter me into your draw. It would make a wonderful gift for my mom.
Happy New Year!
Love that spool fabric! How cute, what agreat giveaway. I'm back to work for my first day since the holidays, it's a little rough getting back into it!
Doris in Des Moines
Very cute pattern, I'd love to win it!
That would look very nice in my sewing room! Thanks for the chance!
Happy new year from colder than cold Canada.....Claire
This would look great completed and hanging on a wall in my sewing room, complemented by my antique wooden spools!
Cute fabric & wall hanging pattern. Please enter me to win, my email addy is listed on my blog profile. Angie
Cute giveaway....
can you share the name of the Santa pattern or know where I can get one?
It was just so adorable....
I love the give away, Thanks for doing this.
nice!Happy New Year! mrs.mommyyatgmaildotcom
Wow, what a cute wallhanging and what a great chance for a new quilter to find tons of good information! Thanks so much for participating!
I think that pattern would look great all done up and hanging on my wall in the sewing room! Thanks
I think that pattern would look really nice all done up and hanging on my wall in the sewing room! Thanks
I'd love to make this quilt, please sign me up.
Theresa N
What a comfy-looking pattern! Sign me up... I'm feeling lucky!
Tracy in SW WA
Happy New Year! I love the pattern!
Great pattern and fab! Hope I win ;)
Great pattern and fabs! Hope I win!
fantastic pattern, happy new year.
=) melanie
melanieadey at hotmail dot com
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