Our Minnesota buddies, Deb and JoAnn brought a mystery project to work on at the Shipshe Retreat. We were barely through with the first couple of steps when JoAnn blurted out "my chicken is puffy". You can read JoAnn's guest blogger report here.
The mystery turned out to be this cute little chicken made from the pattern "Pollo Loco" (Miss Rosie's)
LuAnn has some great photos from Shipshewana on her blog.
There's a wonderful overview of Paducah and the AQS Show here. The AQS Show winners are shown here. I can't imagine being a judge!

Each person on our bus to Paducah was given a kit from our tour leader, Sandie, to make a cute flower corsage. They only took about 20 minutes to do. You need one strip of fabric cut 2 1/2" by 16" and another cut 1 1/2" by 10". Sandie said she folded the strips into quarters and then using a pinking shears, cut a scallop. Next, you gather both strips tightly and sew together along with a circle cut from a one inch square of fabric and a button. Add a safely pin on the back and you're ready to wear your flower. We received many compliments on these during the show.
We were fortunate to meet "Quiltman" this year and he graciously posed with us for a photo. Here you'll see my DSIL, Lori, (first trip) me, Quiltman, sister, Connie, and cousin, Mary (first trip).