The 50 vendors at the new AQS location on Park Avenue were open on Tuesday. There were conflicting articles as to the time they would open. We went with the 9:00 a.m. option and were the only shoppers among the vendors still putting final touches in their booths. A few asked who let us in, but most were eager to have us shop. I bought a book called
Wacky Rails by Rhonda Dieker that has several different looks for string quilts. Also bought a pattern for a quilt one of the vendors had made using almost all Jo Morton fabrics.
Next stop was the Rotary Antique Quilt Show where we were treated to an exhibit of antique basket quilts curated by Bobbie Aug and Gerald Roy, a display of Hoffman Challenge quilts and more vendors. Added a few FQs to our bags here, too.
We drove to the Carson Park Fairgrounds where
Eleanor Burns had her tents of fabric bolts and her building of patterns, books, etc. The fabric wasn't nearly as tempting as it was last year, but we did find a couple of deals. We missed Eleanor's
tent show this year, but heard it was wonderful.
Downtown to the AQS Vendors on Kentucky Avenue. The first booth we saw as we entered the building was Bonnie Blue Quilts. They had a
basket quilt on display that I really liked.
It was a beautiful day outside. We ate lunch and then sat in the gazebo area on Broadway for awhile just enjoying the fresh air and feeling lucky to be in Paducah again. After visiting a few more vendors on Broadway, we had an ice cream cone to rev us up again.
The Awards Presentation at the Carson Center and the Sneak Preview at the Convention Center kept us busy until almost ten o'clock. We were dragging by the time we got back to the hotel. It's a lot of work having fun sometimes.
The pictures show the flood wall
murals along the Ohio River, a look down Broadway and the giant cow that sits near the ice cream place. It always looks to me like cars will drive right into the river, but they don't.