At the March Clothesline Club we were given instructions how to make a notebook that would hold our newsletters and pattern sheets. My sister, Connie, kindly offered to embroider my name on the inside pocket. Yesterday I finished the binding and loaded the contents. I also sorted the Clothesline Club fabrics into a plastic drawer so I would know where they are when I need them.

The April Stitchery BOTM from Bea at Capricorn Quilts has been almost done since mid April. It is now in the finished pile, also. I should be able to stitch the May block before the next one is shown.

All thirty of my Step Four blocks for the Orange Crush mystery are sewn and pressed! I still need to finish Steps Two and Three, but they weren't needed for the last step.

For those who asked - here are some of the fabrics I purchased in Shipshewana and Paducah while visiting in April. There are a lot of Jo Morton prints in there which was the main focus of our shopping. Also couldn't resist the Marcus Brothers and Windham repros!
I love that idea. What a beautiful way to keep things straight. Nice fabric, too.
I love your notebook cover. Great idea. Thanks for sharing.
That's a great notebook! (I would love to be organised LOL)
Well done on all 30 blocks, I love your colors for the OC and I see there was quite a bit of stash enhancement :-)
lots of nice fabric and stitching here...........
You got you some nice fabric there! Look forward to see what plans you have for them!
Love your notebook-cover!
I love your new aquisitions. It looks like a selection I would pick.
What will you do with the fabric from your Paducah outing? Very pretty.
So, what is Clothesline Club? You mentioned it when you told me your book & FQ had arrived.
You did some nice shopping!!! :o)
The notebook is very nice. I have some of those fabrics! Is there a website to find the instructions for this?
The embroidered name adds just the right touch *s* Love those CW purchases.
Oh what a scoop of fabric.Looking forward to see your projects here...
The stitchery is lovely
I love your notebook. I still wish a store around here would offer the Clothesline Club.
You have gotten a lot lately. Everything looks wonderful.
Great embroidery and notebook! I'm enjoying seeing your BOM stitcheries. I've printed out the patterns but haven't done any yet.
I'm drooling over your purchases!
Hi Jeanne,
I like your stitchery. I too printed off patterns and have made a start on January's but I am using Osnaburg fabric and it's stretchy so I've stalled. Need to start again.
I love you binder cover also. Neat:-D
The March Clothesline Club binder looks great. I love that inside pocket with your name on it. Also, your new fabrics from the quilt shows are gorgeous, every single one of them!
Your fabrics are so beautiful, the colors are so nice.
I love love love that notebook cover!! is it made the same way you cover kids school books?
I LOVE your notebook cover. I need one of those embroidery machines oh yes I do. Very cute!!!!
I love your colourful notebook cover. The Clothesline Club sounds such fun.
Wonderful selection of fabrics!
love the notebook cover!!! WHat a nifty idea! :)
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