Fabric added during this week: 0 yards
Fabric added year to date: 94.50 yards
Fabric used during this week: 4 yards
Fabric used year to date: 78.25 yards
Net fabric busted 2009: (+16.25)
Now for the drawing... I wrote the names on slips of those who had sent photo captions and put them into a bowl. I wanted the kitties to 'draw' the winner, but neither would come when I called. Jim suggested baiting the dish with a few kitty treats. Well, Annie immediately waddled in to check out the noise and then surrendered her chance to select the wining slip to Jasper. Jasper chose Beth and then ate the treats. Congratulations, Beth. I have your address from the PIF we did and will get your package in the mail this week. I really enjoyed reading the captions sent in by everyone. Thanks for playing.

I don't believe, Jeanne! Jasper chose me because he knows that Bilbo is his brazilian brother...
It was a great surprise!
Congrats to Beth! All the comments were fun to read!
How funny! Annie you little bad little girlie. You gave up your chance to be the SELECTOR in CHIEF to Jasper? Well, he is a scene stealer for sure so I might have done the same. Except one thing Annie ~ I'm surprised you gave over the treats to that boy! :P Kitty Kisses. *karendianne, Kipling, Kingston and Kanga-Roni Cats.
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