Is it just me, or does time go by more quickly these days? I wake up each morning with such great intentions. Before I know it, the day is gone and then the week and the month...
I started a little cross stitched sampler for me after finishing my Dear Jane top a couple of weeks ago. The pattern is called The Red Fence Sampler designed by Nancy Sturgeon for Threads Through Time. Quick and easy is the theme for me these days. I want instant results from my efforts. The sampler still needs to be washed, pressed and framed but the stitching is finished.
My dad had back surgery on Wednesday. When the sign on the wall says "Surgery Waiting" they aren't kidding. It was a long day, but everything went well.
No decision yet on what to make for my SSCS person. I've narrowed it down to a few things, but am having a difficult time picking just one.
I'm not making that link between the sampler and "quick and easy!!!" It is very nice...I love samplers and the colors in yours are beautiful.
DArling needle work project! I love samplers also. Hope your Dad recovers quickly.
Congratulations on a beautiful finish. I love samplers of all kinds and this one turned out so nice.
It isn't just you - time just marches on - much faster than I can march!
Good to hear your Dad's surgery went well. Hope the recovery goes just as well.
The Winnie the Pooh fabric is so cute. I've not seen that one before. It is so hard to find Winnie the Pooh fabric. Some child is just going to love that quilt!!
Your sampler is wonderful. I LOVE samplers! Praying your dad recovers quickly.
Cute x-stitch project!
Hope your Dad is up and around soon!
Sweet little sampler . . . I haven't done x-stitch in years. Perhaps now that I have conceded the necessity for reading glasses, I could give it a go again *s*
Your little stitchery is cute. Sometimes we need to do some quick projects to keep our creativity satisfied.
I love your Pooh blocks.
What a beautiful house sampler! I love anything with houses in it. Hope your dad is progressing nicely. I know what you mean about those long waits in surgery waiting rooms. Had one of those myself last month!
No...it's not just you. I seem to be having lots of fridays....the week just whips by me.
I love your sampler.
Glad to hear the surgery went well. Will pray for a quick recovery.
What a cute little stitchery. I used to do tons of cross stitch. Then quilting took over my life. LOL Poor cross stitch got pushed aside.
Thank you for leaving a message on my zoo post. Nice to meet you! I see I have stumbled upon the blog of a talented quilter... I can't wait to have a look around!
I love that sampler! I used to do a lot of cross-stitching years ago.
I sure hope your dad is recovering nicely
Your sampler is just perfect, I love X-stitch projects too (so relaxing!).
My very best wishes to your Dad...
Take care,
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