I now have three participants for the PIF I posted earlier this month. Mel, Beth and Paula. If you are still interested in playing, click on over to one of their blogs and sign up. Let's keep the fun going.
This morning, the local quilt shop, The Quilted Cottage called to say there had been cancellations for the Friday night sew tomorrow. Looks like both Connie and I got in so we'll be eating out and working on those churn dash blocks again.
There's been no sewing here this week, but I have been cleaning and clearing things from my sewing room. It gets so cluttered that I can't even work in it. -- One of the advantages of being disorderly is that one is constantly making exciting discoveries. --A.A. Milne
I've been adding feeds to my Bloglines in hopes it will shorten the amount of time it takes to check my favorites. Is it correct that I still have to go to the Blogline page to check for new entries or can I be notified by emails? This part is still fuzzy to me.
This is my 96th post. I'm getting close to that 100 number and will have a giveaway or two for those that comment on my 100th post. Be sure to check back.