What a great day! Yesterday, fellow blogger and quilter, Pam
(mamaspark) and I met each other for the first time at
Linda's Country Quilts in Davison. We chose this place as it was sort of in between us as far as distance traveled. Linda and the ladies who were sewing in the classroom were very friendly and insisted we share our show and tell. Pam brought the Texas Longhorn quilt she designed and sewed for her son. Isn't it terrific? Somehow I managed to click the photo the one second that Pam wasn't smiling. Sorry, Pam. She is such a delightful person and so full of energy. There was never a lull in the conversation and the time just flew by too quickly.

I found some terrific fabrics at Linda's. Some were even in the sale room which makes them almost free. Also had to buy two more tote bag patterns. Pam thinks I'll have them done in no time.

Next I followed Pam (picture taken through my dirty front windshield) to Fenton where we stopped at
Quilter's Garden Quilt Shop. This was the first time I had been there which is always fun. Pam twisted my arm so I had to buy these books. She found more red fabrics for her new project and I bought the red and green pieces in the photo picture, in addition to the books.

We enjoyed a delicious lunch at The French Laundry in Fenton. Another new place for me and the food was wonderful. (Pam took pictures of our lunch) Before we left, Pam shared and forced me to eat a chocolate chip brownie that was delicious.
Two of our cats, Pam's Jack and my Jasper are possibly twins separated at birth. Jasper was all cuddly last night and wanted to know all of the details of my day with Jack's mom. If you get the opportunity to meet a fellow blogger, do it. It's a blogging bonus.