Paula at
A Latte Quilts sent me an email saying she had chosen me for this award. She made my day! Isn't is amazing how such small deeds of kindness can affect another person? The rules for this award say to choose up to 10 people whose blog brings you happiness & inspiration and makes you feel happy about Blogland. Let them know by posting a note on their blog so they can pass it on. I have almost 200 Feeds that I check so choosing just ten is very difficult. Here are a few of the many I enjoy.
kjquilts, and 189 others who inspire me and make Blogland so enjoyable.
While catching up on reading my blogs, I noticed that Kim at
Stillmeadow Quilting had tagged me with a meme for 8 Random Things About Me. Here goes:
1. I'm left handed, but can rotary cut with either hand
2. I love the Detroit Tigers
3. I can read & write braille (although I'm pretty rusty)
4. I'm the oldest of five children
5. I sing in our church choir
6. I still know most of the kid's birthdays in my class from parochial school
7. I love to read
8. I definitely have a sweet tooth
Speaking of the Tigers, we have tickets for Tigerfest at Comerica this week-end!