It was another wonderful week-end. My sister, Connie and I went to the Log Cabin Quilters show in Portage on Saturday. Remember I told you there were going to be thirty-three vendors? This picture shows my total purchases. Now that doesn't mean there weren't temptations, but we were in a uniquely sensible mood. We didn't see anything new, but maybe that's because Quilt Market is just around the corner.
One vendor was selling whole bolts of fabric plus rolls of yardage for very little money. My fabric piece was a yard for $1.50 and I thought it would work well with my Jo Morton fabrics. Mary Ellen's Spray Press is something I've wanted to try since reading favorable reviews online about it. We saw two different scents. The one we bought was lavendar and I really like it.
I'm almost done with another little cross stitch and I have the log cabin borders sewn together for the wedding quilt. Otherwise, I'm browsing through my extensive 'collection' of quilt books and magazines looking for another project to speak to me.
There were many offers to help me find the stitchery magazine. Thank you to everyone for volunteering and to Christine for finding the right place to get one. I'll be watching my mail.