Tuesday, December 11, 2007

100th Post, Bee Gifts & Stash Busting Report

My 100th post! I had plans to have something special to share for a giveaway, but no such luck. So, if you are willing to wait until January for a surprise, leave a comment and I'll draw a name or two on New Year's Eve.
Gifts from Plan Bee
three teddy bears
Yesterday was Bee day at Connie's house. We did a bit of sewing, a bit of chatting, a
bit of eating and then exchanged gifts. Connie gave us the cute bee bag to carry our sewing necessities to future Bee get-togethers. It was filled with chocolates, also. Mary made each of us four beautiful cards. Mary is equally talented in quilting and scrapbooking. These are almost too pretty to use. The cards were wrapped in the cute button fabric that is under all the other items. Jane found this cute sewing machine tin with a beaded handle for us. She knows we are tin nuts. There was also a round peppermint which I luckily discovered was soap. At first, I thought it was a BIG candy. I made the girls each a little quilting bear shown in the second photo. I used this pattern when I did craft bazaars years ago. I noticed my fingers did not work as quickly or nimbly as they did twenty some years ago. We had a fun afternoon, as always.

My stash busting report for last week - I cut and sewed 100 rail blocks and 100 nine patches from fabrics in my stash. However, I did receive a package of Chuck Nohara shirtings that I had ordered back in early October. I guess it was a wash.


Chookyblue...... said...

Hey first in Congrats on the 100th post...........love you blog always around..........keep it up........

chook said...

ok i`m in
CONGRATS on your 100th post
I visit your blog every day to see what is going on LOve it
hugs Beth

Greenmare said...

wow 100 posts! Your Bee group looks like so MUCH fun!! I wish I could visit sometime!

Leah Spencer said...

Just wanted to say that I'm loving your version of Bonnie's mystery. It sparkles. :)

dot said...

Congrats on the 100th post. I like what you are doing with the mystery quilt. I haven't joined in because of other obligations but I sure do like seeing what others are doing.

Elaine Adair said...

Congratulations, girl! PIck me, pick me? And what are all those darling little treasures in that photo?

Kim said...

Congrats on the 100th post!!!
I love your little sewing tin :)
My guild secretary has a simular one that is so cute also..
I'm bored waiting for our next installment for the mystery- so much so I'm trimming hsts for future projects and working on the bag of scraps from Toni for the pinwheels and 16 patch quilt on Quiltville as my leader/ender project :). I think I have 4 rows of blocks done of 15.

Yvonne said...

Wow Jeanne...congrats on your 100th post. Love all your goodies...the bears are so cute.

Toni said...

Congrats on your 100th post...Happy Blogging...Toni

Julia said...

Congrats on your 100th post!!!!!!!! I read your blog everyday. I really enjoy it. I haven't joined in on the mystery quilt yet, to many other things going, but I sure can't wait to see yours when it is done.

Anonymous said...

Love all the goodies, and those bears are so cute. Congrats on your 100th post.

Anne Heidi said...

Congratulations on your 100th post! Your bears are just adorable, and all those goodies, oh my....

Darlene said...

Your 100th post - that's awesome. I remember when I first discovered your blog. :-)

Your Bee group had some awesome giftees. The bears are adorable. I want to join your group. :-)

Libby said...

Congrats on your 100th post . . . Can't wait to see your mystery rails and patches and what you do with the new shirtings - they sound dee-lish *s*

Cheryl said...

You won the Christmas quilt over on
my blog!!!! When I get your address I will get it in the mail to you!

corry said...

Gongrats to the 100th post! Please keep up blogging...up to the next 100th! Ooh, your bears are really cute!

Saska said...

Congrats on your 100th post.

Keeping sewing and stay warm!

Paula said...

Whoo Hoo Jeanne! Congratulations on your 100th post!

Sew Create It - Jane said...

Congrats on 100 posts!! I really enjoy your blog. ttfn

Kim said...

Count me in please! Congratulations on your incredible writing stamina! 100 posts, that's a lot of writing and photos, girl! Glad you share so much, you do have fun with quilting. :)

May Kristin said...

100 posts! Congrats on that! You are on my list of favourites! Good luck with next 100 posts and your mystery quilt!

Pat said...

Congrats on your 100th post. You are one lucky lady... all those nice gifts. I love your bears.

swooze said...

Congrats on your 100th post!

Cathi said...

Congratulations on your 100th post. Your bears are wonderful! Sounds like you had a great time with your Bee group.

Kim said...

Congrats on you 100th post....100 nine patches.. WOW... Thanks for sharing with us...

Quilter Kathy said...

Your mystery blocks are looking great! I hope to join in on the mystery after Christmas.
Congratulations on your 100th blog...I always enjoy dropping by to see what you are up to!

Khris said...

I have a long way to go til I get to my 100th but I am looking forward to it. Congrats getting this far Jeanne...hugs, Khris in Oz

~Bren~ said...

Congrats on 100 posts!!! You always make me smile!!

Nancy said...

Congratulations on your 100th post!!! I try to surf the blog ring at least once a week and have enjoyed your posts very much.

Quilty Hugs!!


Jan said...

Congrats on your 100th post! Your Bee sounds like it was fun! The bears are just adorable!! Great job!

Anne Ida said...

Happy blogiversary!!! Congratulations on your 100th post! I love reading your blog, so keep it up :o)

Rose Marie said...

Congrats on your 100th! Those are adorable tiny bears and count me in for your draw.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Genie ! Happy blogiversary, and many, many more !

It seems you're getting many treats, as well ! Aren't we LUCKY ?

Hugs & smiles,

Unknown said...

Congratulations on your 100th post - love your Carolina Crossroads colourway - I'm still tempted once all my Christmas present stitching is out of the way

Floss said...

Congrats on your 100th post.
The bears are really cute.

Brigitte said...

CONGRATULATiON !!! from over the pond: Brigitte Baierl - you met in Shipshea November 2oo5
now living in Poland

Beth said...

My best wishes for you!

Unknown said...

Congratulations on your 100th post. Those bears are so cute.

QuiltNut Creations said...

congrats on the 100th post!

you've had a great sewing week :)

Wendy said...

Those are the cutest little teddies. I used to make teddy bears but it's been years now since I stopped.
Thank goodness you discovered the peppermint was soap.

Annie said...

Congrats on your 100th post!! Love to read your blog - keep up the good work............

Mrs. Goodneedle said...

Congrats on 100. Your bears are just the cutest little things ever, well done!

maggie said...

Congrats on your 100th post. I am enjoying reading your blog and hope to see lots more.

bingo~bonnie said...

Woohoo 100!!! Great job! Yes, we can wait until the new year fir the drawing! and it will be here sooner than we realize!

Love your goodies - my 3 year old and I were shopping today and she spotted those tin boxes with the beaded handles on them too!! Of course, I had to get her one ;c)

Merry Christmas from Texas! ~Bonnie

Mar said...

Congrats on 100, I've just found you so I have a lot to catch up on!

Anonymous said...

Wow Jeanne, what a lovely blog! I would love to be in your drawing. And look at all those neat things your doing. Could I be your girlfriend? So glad I found you and your blog! Thanks for sharing.

gloria g. Richards, TX

Anonymous said...

100 posts??

there's hope for me yet......

congratulations, and please add me to the draw.

Patti said...

Oh good - one give away that I'm not too late to enter - even though I'm so far behind with my blog reading. Congrats on your 100th post!

blueberrylane said...

Congratulations on your 100th post. That mystery quilt is tempting !

Laila said...

Congrats on your 100th post. I love your little bears. Have a Happy New Year.

Judith said...

Didn't I sign up yet for your bog give away? Mmm thought I had, but can't seem to find my name and I just love the kit you give away, so here I am. By the way a pic of the box you are receiving is on my blog.

Debbie said...

Hi Jeanne,

I love reading your blog. All of your projects are beautiful. And I hope I'm not too late to be in on the drawing - I just saw the pink and brown basket kit and I love pink and brown!