Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Machine Quilting

Machine quilting is not my forte. But with little quilts I can manage straight
mostly straight lines. The applique center was a different story. I went really slow and ended up pretty pleased with my results. Phew! I'm linking up with piecefullife for her little quilts Monday.

I finished the second Temecula star block but don't have a picture yet.

Look at the pile of new zippers I scored at the resale shop the other day! Thirteen zippers for 20 cents each. Little zippered pouches in my future.


Amy, a redeemed sheep said...

Great score on the zippers! I snatch them up when I see them at thrift stores, too. =)

Your appliqué looks great!

Monica said...

I know what you mean about quilting. The only ones I do myself are small ones. I have a longarm in my house but it is used by my husband. I'm too much of a perfectionist to try to learn how to use it.

May Britt said...

I know exactly what you mean about the machinequilting. I am still learning new things. like the quilt I have just quilted. It was an old quilt and I decided this had to the quilt that I could play with machinquiltng. And even if I could have done a lot different, I really like how it turned out. So just give it a try, and remember to relax in your shoulders. Mine are hurting right now because of all the quilting.

West Michigan Quilter said...

I know what you mean about the quilting. I can never seem to get enough control. However, I can manage straight line quilting. I love the looks of that. Love your quilt and but it will look great all quilted.

elizabeth said...

I have only done straight-line quilting by machine a couple of times and I am very slow : ) Looks like you are doing a wonderful job!